Check out our new FAQ page: http://ccc.libanswers.com/Cuyamaca_FAQs

Check the Student Help Center 在图书馆外寻找关于经济援助、技术、学术咨询、 or other Student Support Services. 


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  • What do I need to borrow a book? 学生将需要学生证或知道你的学生证号码. You can get the 技术中心(E-121室)或招生及记录处(G-102)的身份证.
  • How long can I keep the book? Books may be checked out for 3 weeks. The loan may be renewed if no other student request them. Contact Circulation to renew a book loan.  
  • Does the library have textbooks? 图书馆确实有一些课本,学生可以在藏书区借阅. 预订的书可以借3个小时到整个学期. The books 超过一天未借阅者不能离开图书馆. Contact Circulation for loan time for a certain book.
  • 如有其他问题,请联系借阅处 cuyamaca.circulation@gcccd.edu  or 
    call  (619) 660-4416 and leave a message.
How do I log into the databases from home?
  • User name is firstname.lastname@students.gcccd.edu. Using the same username (firstname.lastname) you have for Self-Service. 包括任何分配的数字或特殊字符,一些用户名可能不会超过 20 characters before the @.
  • Password 默认为6位数的生日(mmddyy). Passwords may have expired and need to be changed. More information here: Log In Help page
  • 如果您注册了另一种正规网赌软件推荐,则可以重置密码 with the college. 如果没有,则需要与Help Desk联系以获取帮助重置 passwords.
  • 你必须是本学期Cuyamaca的在校生.
  • 美国/墨西哥以外的学生将被封锁,直到他们获得豁免. Instructions for exemption: http://www.gcccd.edu/it/ooc-accomodations.php
  • 如果仍然收到错误消息,请与 Help Desk (c-helpdesk@gcccd.edu or 619-660-4395).

如果您收到一条错误消息,指出您已被阻止登录 EZProxy Administrator, you can email c-helpdesk@gcccd.edu. 包括你的全名、学号和错误信息的第一部分 (so we know what the issue is). 我们将尽快解决这个问题 as possible.


位于美国和墨西哥以外的学生将被自动封锁,直到 they get exempted. Instructions to get exempted: http://www.gcccd.edu/it/ooc-accomodations.php

What is the Microsoft Authenticator App?
登录微软单点登录(数据库、Office 365、WEPA打印)时, 你可能会被提示下载微软认证应用程序. This app will act 访问某些大学资源时的辅助认证器. Information on setting up the app can be found here: Instructions for setting up the app
Do I need to log into My Library Card? And how do I log in?
  • You can log in to My Library Card 查看所有借阅、归还、过期的图书馆项目. You can also 查看目录(或可以)时,查看保留项目可以借出多长时间 check with Circulation for the loan time). You cannot put in requests/holds for books 使用“我的借书证”,联系借阅处预约. It does not give you 从数据库中获取电子书或文章. 
  • User name is firstname.lastname@students.gcccd.edu
  • Password 默认为6位数的生日(mmddyy). Passwords may have expired and need to be reset. More information here: Log In Help page
我正在上数学课,我需要借一个计算器. Can I get one?
  • What if I need a calculator? For the Semester? Or for One day?
    学期结帐时可用的计算器将提供给 Cuyamaca math students through a lottery system. 我们有计算器可以一天结帐 as well during library open hours.
  • 我需要什么来报名参加彩票或者亲自去拿计算器? 
    你的名字,你的学生证号码,以及证明 必须注册库亚玛卡的数学课.  在BOG名单上也需要一个学期的贷款. Attach a screen 点击电子邮件请求,上面会显示你在库亚玛卡的哪门数学课 使用自助服务的人需要在你的手机或笔记本电脑上打印或显示 or Canvas.
  • cuyamaca.circulation@gcccd.edu or (619) 660-4416
Can I borrow a laptop? Or a Wi-Fi hotspot?

Cuyamaca的学生可以使用的笔记本电脑和Wi-Fi热点数量有限 borrow for the semester. Wi-FI热点将提供单独的互联网服务 from your home service to use for school work. Students will need to ask a Cuyamaca 教师或工作人员填写本学期的申请表. The employee can access it here: Faculty and Staff Services

What are the fines for overdue materials? What if I have a fine? 

Books - 25¢ per day ($100 maximum) 

Magazine/Journals – 25¢ per day ($50 maximum) 

Calculators - $1.00 per day ($150 maximum) 

Reserve Hourly - $1.00 per hour ($100 maximum) 

Reserve 1 day or longer - $3.00 per day ($100 maximum) 

Interlibrary loan - $3.00 per day 

  • 学生无法使用管理功能(注册、成绩、退学/添加) 如果他们有任何逾期未交的材料或任何数额的罚款.  
  • Contact Circulation desk cuyamaca.circulation@gcccd.edu  or 
    call  (619) 660-4416.
Where can I return materials?

当图书馆开放时,你可以把所有的资料归还给借阅台. Laptops 上网热点必须归还借阅台.


书籍和计算器可以随时归还. There is a drop off slot inside the building to the right of the wood doors. There is also a drop off box located 在图书馆外面,正门左边.

Can I print or scan in the library? How much does it cost?

图书馆的二楼有印刷品. Information on printing can be found here: Printing Guide. Ask Librarian for additional help. 

WEPA printing account: http://www.wepanow.com/login -

Username:  firstname.lastname@students.gcccd.edu 
Note: this is the same firstname.lastname as in Self-Service



Scanning is free. 二楼有两台带扫描仪的电脑可以 将扫描的文档保存到闪存驱动器、电子邮件、云存储或打印. The 打印站也可以扫描,但扫描的文件只能打印或保存到 a cloud storage.


Cost for printing:

  • Black/White Single Sided: 10 cents
  • Black/White Double Sided: 15 cents
  • Color Single Sided: 50 cents
  • Color Double Sided: 75 cents
Can I checkout or  download electronic books?

要从EBSCO下载图书,您需要下载Adobe数字版本 应用程序,然后创建一个个人帐户与EBSCO. The electronic books from Gale不需要这个应用程序,它以PDF格式下载,每次只下载一章.

Link to directly download the Adobe Digital Editions app.


有一个EBSCO移动应用程序可以连接图书馆的OneSearch. You can read 电子书在这个应用程序上,但它不会下载它们.

Link to download the EBSCO mobile app.

Do you have study/Zoom rooms?   

二楼有七间自习室,一楼有几间教室. 房间按先到先得的原则提供. Students may use the Study 每次最多可借用两小时,如果没有其他学生,可重新办理退房手续 waiting to use the room. The Zoom Rooms have no time limit right now. To checkout 一个房间,请到一楼的借阅台. A student ID card or knowing your student ID number is needed. 如果对房间的需求足够高,我们可能会限制房间的团体使用 供两个或两个以上学生使用,不供学生个人使用.

Can I eat or drink in the library?

Yes. 在一楼有一个可以吃东西的地方,叫做郊狼角. 还有一些来自Cuyamaca Cares Pantry的食物和一台微波炉. 它位于通往二楼的楼梯旁边,与流通区相对 Desk. 装在防溅容器里的饮料可以送到楼上图书馆的主要部分.


Contact Circulation Desk  Contact Reference Desk

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